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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

MDH: 23 Minnesotans Infected With Salmonella Linked To Fresh Peaches - CBS Minnesota

MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — Health officials say at least 23 Minnesotans suffered a salmonella infection in connection to an outbreak linked to fresh peaches sold at Aldi and Target. The whole peaches are supplied by Wawona Packing Company.

The Minnesota Department of Health says that the confirmed Minnesota victims were infected between July 12 and Aug. 3. Their ages range from 3 to 92 years old, and six of them required hospitalization. All have since recovered.

People who reported being ill said they purchased the peaches from Aldi, Target and possibly other retail locations. Aldi has recalled the item and Target is also working to remove the peaches from its stores.

Those who have purchased whole peaches supplied by Wawona Packing Company should not eat them. MDH is recommending to throw the item out or to return it.

Other peaches are not known to be affected.

Salmonella symptoms usually include diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. Infections in healthy people usually clear in about a week, but some cases may require hospitalization.

The outbreak has affected a total of 68 people, with cases identified in nine states.

The Link Lonk

August 20, 2020 at 05:37AM

MDH: 23 Minnesotans Infected With Salmonella Linked To Fresh Peaches - CBS Minnesota

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